Ojai Valley TaeKwonDo Academy

Teaching Life Skills and Personal Development

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Student Spotlight on Dylin  Andrews

When did you first hear about Taekwondo?
One day I was driving with my grandma to her school where she taught earth science in Santa Paula. She had seen an ad in a newspaper for martial arts and asked me if I wanted to start and I said yes.

When did you begin taking TaeKwonDo at the Academy?
I started in the junior class when I was eight years old and have been doing Taekwondo for 4 years. I am now twelve years old and a seventh grader at Matilija Junior High School. I am a second degree black belt level 4 and I have a red stripe on my jacket which means I am a member of my Academy Instructor Team. I tested for this position and passed.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I have a brother named Tyler and he has a lizard with a secret name. He is a brown belt level two in Taekwondo. I like to play video games. I don't watch a lot of tv, but I watch Youtube channels with Tyler instead.

Do you have any pets?
I have a bunny named Captain Fluffy; he is a Holland Lop Ear. When I was buying him in the pet store the lady said he was calm, but he is not mellow at all. I also have one chicken, a dog named Daisy, and a snake named Spot that is a Rosy Boa.